Thursday, February 26, 2009

Crazy Nebraska Laws

I love these things. There is a link after to see other crazy laws in other states...

• A man is not allowed to run around with a shaved chest.
• A parent can be arrested if her/his child cannot hold back a burp during a church service.
• Barbers are forbidden by law from shaving a man's chest in Omaha, Nebraska.
• In the fine state of Nebraska, it is not legal for a tavern owner to serve beer unless a nice kettle of soup is also brewing.
• It is illegal for a mother to give her daughter a perm without a state license.
• It is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.
• It is Illegal to go whale fishing.
• It is illegal to sleep naked in a hotel/ motel room.
• Lehigh: Doughnut holes may not be sold
• Omaha: Sneezing or burping is illegal during a church service.
• The owner of every hotel in Hastings is required to provide each guest with a clean and pressed nightshirt. No couple, even if they are married, may sleep together in the nude. Nor may they have sex unless they are wearing one of these clean, white cotton nightshirts.
• Waterloo: Barbers are forbidden from eating onions between 7 A.M. and 7 P.M.

Yeah. And people thought I was weird. HAHA.


So I got kicked out of school.

Do you have ANY idea how FREAKING mad I am?????

I contacted my Academic Advisor and told him I needed to take a F for my classes and retake them. I had to do that before and my advisor was so sweet. Then she got promoted and I got this joke of an advisor. I call him and email him and he NEVER calls back.

So I let him know I am gonna take an F since I can't get back online in enough time to finish classes. My pc broke down and the Internet was turned off for awhile.

Anyways. I call someone on Friday to re-register for those classes. I got registered and on Wednesday I logged in to go to school. THEY DIS-ENROLLED ME!

I called them back and they said they would look into it and call me back. I would get back into school in no time.

I call today and talk to someone who is completely incompetent. She said that my advisor has been calling me every other day and has been emailing me and since i haven't logged in for 21 days the school boots me out!!!!!


I have not gotten ONE phone call OR email from that baboon. But I have officially been kicked out of Kaplan. Now I get to talk to people at Returning Students. She informs me that all of my financial aid that was not used will be returned to the government. That's cool with me. But it will take 51 DAYS! So, I cannot start school until the earliest March 25. But here is the kicker...

I might have to pay for my last set of classes BEFORE I am re-enrolled.

Yeah. I can't afford that right now.


I will find out by March 15 if I have to pay for it before I can go back. If I don't, I just have to do all of that school enrolling alllllll over again.

I am getting over the flu, I am cranky, my house is a mess, I have a horrible aversion to smells and I can't get into school yet?!?!?!?!

I need a boxing bag. I will feel much better after beating something to pieces.

I feel a little bit better now.

But now I have to go and get ready to go have lunch with CC and Wyatt. Am I hungry for Tortas or Zio's?

Wyatt eating his tacos....

Kane on his birthday at school....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

There is a ticker....

at the bottom of this page...

it looks like this...


baby development
