Monday, November 30, 2009

What 2 months sure can change!

I am sitting here feeding Bella and Wyatt is "attempting" a nap. Since CC gets off work at 7:00 pm, we kinda gave up on FHE since the boys go to bed around 7:30. So our Branch President suggested maybe on Sunday night we can do FHE. I wasn't feeling it because we already have something going on Sunday nights, family movie night.

During Sacrament yesterday, I actually got to pay attention more than I had been able to in a long time! WOOHOO! Anyways, the speaker was talking about making FHE shorter and more simple instead of this long drawn out experience. REALLY?!?!?! We can DO that?!?!?


So tonight, we are having a simple FHE and Wyatt needs to take a nap a little later than normal and a little longer than normal so he doesn't have a mega meltdown during FHE.


I sure went off topic!

So what has been going since my last post?

Bella Rosa was born at 7:48 pm on October 8. 7 lbs 10 oz 19 inches long. A cute lil chunky baby. Unfortunately, she had jaundice. Not too bad that she had to go to hospital, but bad enough for that oh so great bili blanket and bili box. Oh how I hated those! She spazed when we put her in the box because she had to wear these horrible goggles to protect her eyes. She screamed bloody murder and then Wyatt would cry because his sister was hurt and then I would cry because I didn't wanna hear my babies like that. So I refused the box. She was on the blanket for only 3 days though. She lost almost a pound. :( Had to get her poor lil foot pricked daily.

She is such a good baby. She loves to snuggle and loves to be held. She is kinda clingy, which is really no surprise to anyone who knows me. She smiled on the 21st of November and on the 29th of November she began making noise that isn't crying in response to someone (her daddy). If you tell her she's a pretty girl, she smiles at you. :) She is a pretty girl though. CC calls her a pretty puppy (I have no idea why LOL) and Wyatt came up with BellaFrog because she sticks her tongue out A LOT! I call her Bella, BellaFrog and Bella Mia. She has this tuft of hair on the top of her head that does not lay down. It stands straight up. Poor thing.

Her blessing is this Sunday! I am so excited for that! We are going to be getting her dress tomorrow. I have a visual in my head for this dress. I am hoping I can find it!!!!

So, shes getting so big now. I will have to post pics later because I am on the laptop, which has no pics on it.

We rearranged the whole house, the pc is in our bedroom and the exercise bike came downstairs. I even got a new desk! Well, the desk isn't new, but it's new to me!!! My sister in law traded desks with me. :)

So what all have we done since October 2 ?

Organized the Halloween Branch Activity with the Florence Ward - hectic and tons of people, but tons of fun.

Elva, Cynthia and I went to New Moon at midnight on the 19th of November! Oh that was soooooo fun! I am so excited to have seen it! It was a GREAT movie! I highly recommend either the movie or the book! I suggest reading the book first. Elva saw the movie first and is now reading the book. She is getting so mad when she gets to a GOOD part in the book that was left out of the movie. :)

The 3rd of November was the last day Wyatt wore diapers! WOOHOO! That is stinkin exciting for me! I only had to change diapers for 2 kids for a month! Whew! He did great too! He had a few pee accidents in his undies and pooped in his undies on day 1, day 2 he had one pee accident in his undies and still pooped in his undies, day 3 no pee accidents but pooped in the undies. Day 4 came around...and he pooped in the potty! I was so excited! We did a potty and poopoo dance every time! He got a Hershey's Kiss (which he calls Hot Cocoa) for every pee and a marshmallow for poop. After 2 weeks, I didn't buy more kisses but still kept the marshmallows. He only poops once or twice a day but was peeing constantly! He has had a few accidents when we went to Chuck E Cheese and Sears, but that's just because it was so exciting looking at toys and playing games. :)

Wyatt turned 3!!!! More little boy is getting so big!!! He has had a rough year. He has hives and we don't know what he is allergic to but as long as he takes his daily zyrtec, he doesn't break out. He had a broken arm, has gotten sick a bunch of times and is constantly getting hurt.

We had a great Thanksgiving at Mimi's house. Spent time with my bratty sisters (=P), Mom, Mimi, Gramps, Allie's bf Will, and John and Sunnie.

We had a Twilight birthday party for Wyatt. He chose the theme (but I was so secretly excited about it!) and since we are in such a small apartment, we were only going to invite family. But Wyatt is in love with Izzy and really wanted to invite her. Their family has been there with us since Kane was 18 months old. They have never given up on us and my kids think of their kids as family. It's so fun when we go over there because my boys automatically think they can do whatever. They will open their fridge for a snack and just cruise around. You can tell they don't feel like guests there, but like family.

Kane is doing great in 1st grade. He is a lil advanced so he gets a lil bored in some of the classes. But he is in a different school than last year. So he struggled with the "I don't know anyone" drama. LOL

CC is getting ready to decide his future LOL. After the holidays he is going to decide which route he wants to take at work and will begin training for that new position. That is exciting for me!

I am still in school. Should be done next November!

Now, I need to publish this so I can go write down what I just ate. :)