Friday, October 2, 2009

10 1/2 days....WOOHOO!

So, I was at the Doc's today and I am now 60% effaced and 3 cm dilated. I am also at zero station. WOOHOO! *Do a happy dance* However, this SUCKS for me since now I walk like I am in a "Let's see how far you can walk with a balloon in between your legs" race. If Bella doesn't come before then (which the doctor thinks I will go before then) we are inducing on October 13. That's why it is 10 1/2. Because at 9:15 at night I can't say 10 and be honest, but saying 11 seems SO much longer. :)

A week and a half ago, my brother in law, Elias, took my boys to the zoo. I was SOOOO grateful to him for taking them. They were gone for almost 4 hours!!! WOOHOO! It goes Ana'Li, Wyatt, Kane and Martin.

This is Kane's first day of first grade. Yes, it's our van. No, it's not our home. :) Those are the homes "in renovation" Ours is another building to the right of the pic. Maybe I should have taken a picture of it before Old Man Winter came in and froze my plants up! I didn't even think about taking a pic of my garden. :)


Teri said...

I'm excited for you all!!!

Lynn Gurney said...

Wow! How exciting for you guys. She's going to get so spoiled!

amber buhrley said...

Cute pictures of your cute family. Best of luck with the next couple of days. As uncomfortable as you are, 3 kids is quite the challenge! Its so fun having her here though to snuggle and love. Cant wait to see what she looks like. POst pictures soon after so those of us far away can see her!