Monday, November 10, 2008

48 hours of pure hecticness part 3

Ok. So I get home with Kane and Elva forgot to put my hot pocket in the oven. I have no microwave so that is the only way it can be. I wanted to get to the church at 4. Its ten to 4 (still no shower and I am not dressed). I still have to set up the prizes, get the kids ready and do Elva's hair. I was spazing. I get dressed, STILL HAVEN'T EATEN, get everything ready to leave, call my mom to meet me at the church (since she was picking up the boys) and get ready to leave.

I get to the church at 5:00. I am running around trying to get all of the last minute things done and then the rest of the night just flew by. We had a chili cookoff (which I only got ONE bowl), games for the kids and even a trunk or treat. We then gave out prizes. Then, cleaning took place. Elva took my kids home (oh yeah, my mom brought them back to the party) and CC and I cleaned up with help from a lot of members. I got home, threw off my costume and CRASHED! I was so glad my kids were asleep.

CC let me sleep in the next day. I slept 11 hours that night.

Oh how wonderful it is.