Saturday, November 1, 2008

48 hours of pure hecticness part 1

It all started on Thursday. CC and I were in charge of the Branch Halloween Party. It actually started 6 weeks ago. We got the calling...then we sat on it. It wasn't the best thing to do...but I procrastinate.


On Thursday, I had the list of Halloween items I needed to get for the party. I have no problem having other people help me out and buying things for the party, but I think it's much easier when one person gets everything. So I spent from 11 pm to 3 pm shopping. Came home, put Wy down for a much needed nap, left Elva here and went to get Kane.

I go to Ginny's house to leave her the skeleton templates so she can cut them all out (I AM SO SORRY!) and I get a call from Elva. HYSTERICAL! The people that gave us the dog were pushing into our house to get her back. SUPPOSEDLY the check wasn't good. Now, I know the bank had funds in it. I KNEW IT DID. I told Elva to lock the door and if he tries to get in again, call 911.

I call the wife and I say whats going on? She said "YOU STOLE MY PUPPY! YOUR A THIEVING %&@r@ AND I AM CALLING THE POLICE AND YOU ARE GOING TO JAIL!" Now remember, Kane is in my vehicle. So he hears everything that is going on.

I am trying SO hard to talk to her without losing my temper. I am cranky from 4 hours of shopping, my feet hurt and I had to deal with a 2 year old with a delayed nap for a good chunk of the shopping trip. So me being nice only last a few seconds.

I told her that I would figure it out. She said, "GIVE ME MY DAMN DOG". I said, "No. My sister in law is not opening the door. Your husband pushed his way into my home and tried to rip the dog from her arms. She will NOT open the door for you!"

She tells me that it is impossible for her husband to have done all of that because he is only one guy.

Oh my gosh are you SERIOUS LADY!!!!!

So I am now on my way to the bank WHERE THERE ARE FUNDS to just withdrawal the money. I get 3/4 of the way there and she said, "I just want the puppy back now. I don't want her to belong to a bunch of mexicans"



She then proceeds to say, "If you don't give me my dog back, you are going to jail and I will start trouble at your husbands supposed work. Because I know that lowlife mexicans don't get jobs at US Cellular" (The night before, I gave her my address, phone number and she asked about CC. I told her where he was and she goes to that store because her account is there.)

So Lollie knows whats going on. Lollie is on her way there. Lollie also sent her oldest son and one of her nephews to my house to protect Elva, Wyatt and Cookie. :D

Those two boys are amazing. I should make them some type of goodie for helping me out so much. I think I will do that today.


I tell the lady that I am almost there. The money will be there. Do you really want to take the puppy away from 2 boys that absolutely love her already?

She said she has no time for this and she is going to call the police and hangs up.

Then she calls me back at when I am at 72 & Maple. Now, I live off of 42 & Maple. I tell her, she says, "I am calling the police right now. Just put the puppy on the porch. You can come get her later."

I said, I am on my way. I will be there soon.

I pull up, the police were here! I get out and walk up to them and guess what they said????

Did you bring the money?

I said, yes. I have been talking to her and I have been telling her where I am at. I told her I was going to the bank. I told her I was on 72, I told her when I was on 60. The male officer looked at the female officer and said, then why are we here?

LOL I walked up to the husband, handed him the money and the wife took it. Then the officer said, hand her the check. She said, "Not until I count this money. Shes a fraud and will probably jip me."

The police officer said, "Did you get their address from the check?" She said, "No. That's not the address on the check" He said "How did you get their address?" She said, "They gave it to me." The officer then said, "This doesn't sound to me like they were trying to jip you if they gave you all of their personal information. It sounds to me like a mix up that you didn't want to resolve on your own"


Then the officer asked if anything else was needed. I said Nope.

Then they left. I hung out with everyone in the yard for a few minutes and then guess what happened next!!!!!!!!

I realized that in 15 minutes, I have to go to Winners Circle. The kids have not eaten yet. MAN!

I run in, give them some cheese and water and then we leave.

Winners circle was AMAZING!

Kane got a book for completing the summer reading program at the library and his picture taken. AND his name on a plaque that will be at the school.

He met all of his reading, math and citezenship goals. For the first two, he got a medal. The last one got his name in a drawing. He WON! He got a magnadoodle.

It was cute too. He stood up, looked at Ms. O'Shea and said, "THATS ME!!!!!!!!"

We enjoyed Officer Bill being very vocal and fun and had a cookie with ice cream (the kids did).

We get home, give them a yogurt and send them to bed.

Then, I had to finish preparations for the party. Made the centerpieces (with Elva!), arranged the candy and cut out the M's to my costumes. Made the ball toss games, arranged the prizes and got to bed at 3:30 am.

I will post part 2 later!


Amber said...

OMG! I would have pressed charges against the husband for trying to break and enter your home. I also would have raised hell at the bank as to why the funds wern't released to these people. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. If you need anything call me ok! The party was AWESOME!! You did a great job!